Monday, May 23, 2011

Ghostly St. Augustine

"All of St. Augustine is a graveyard." The costumed tour guide looked at us squarely in the eyes. She told of how indians, spanish and european settlers were buried and re-buried as floods swept away bodies and wars necessitated mass graves.

None of this creeps me out. Frank and I diligently searched the tombstones and building windows, looking for orbs, ribbons or the occasional apparition. Nothing.

Heck--if you can't find a ghost in St. Augustine, where in the world can you find one?

I was thoroughly disgusted...until I got home and uploaded my photos on the computer. That is when I spotted her. The dark shadow of a woman in a cloak alongside the tree in the cemetary, just standing there. Looking. Looking at me.

I enlarged the picture to get a better view. Still there, more clear. Right hand lower corner, right next to the tree. I went back the next day and snapped the same picture in the daylight. No woman (duh, some surprise there, right?). Just the tree, leaning sharply to the right, and the tombstone which she rested her hand on.

Frank also caught something on his phone, in a different graveyard. A fire. It used to be an indian burial ground and the indians used fire in their ceremonies. You figure it out.

The pictures tell me what I wanted to know. St. Augustine is a fantastic ghostly place to visit. Even if you don't believe. Even if you don't see it while snapping pictures.

Sharon Raines has two books available: 'Through Mom's Eyes'at and 'I'm still the cuckoo of this clock' You can also check me out on Twitter. Franks1wife


crazy German said...

Ok girl, it took a second because I looked at the biggest stone there. I finally saw it. Wow, it gave me goose bumps. It is so clear, so cool.

Dee said...

Wow...yeah, their she is plain as day, well as night. Cool,is it a she or he do we really know, Nope. Men wore dresses way back when, I saw a man in a kilt.Very intriguing and awesome. Pictures can pick up alot if we pay attention. And we should especially in a very old graveyard. Thanks Sharon, you did it again.